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Instructional Design – LEMON MINDSET

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Digital Stories

The Calling

The calling is a digital story that I scripted, created, and narrated to express and tell my personal story of why did I choose to pursue instructional design for my higher education and career. The calling reflects on a career changing decision that I have taken and the reasons behind this shift.

We Never Succeed Alone

We never succeed alone is a digital story that tells how my views changed on management and how leadership is more important sometimes when being in a managing position. It also reflects on why is it important for managers to focus on team members and how stepping outside our comfort zone can be of great benefits. The story is scripted, created, and narrated by me.



What is UBD? is a project I worked on within a group of instructional designers. We built a website using Google Sites that teaches visitors on Understanding by Design learning theory. The project emphasized the use of several medias to represent the information, including presentation using Microsoft Sway, infographics, and videos. Visit Site >>>



This animated video reflects my opinion on Understanding by Design frame work, and what I like and don’t like about this educational planning approach as an instructional designer. I have developed this animated video using Animaker.

Learning Objectives


This video was developed using Animaker, and it demonstrates an example of a leaning objective breakdown to it’s components. 


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